Tyler Smedley
November 16, 1993 — December 2, 2015
Joanne Higgins’ nephew and Godson, Tyler Smedley, made some horrible choices on Dec 2, 2015, that cost him his life in a crash on Steamboat Island Rd., Steamboat Island, Washington State.
Joanne writes:
The pictures here are hard for me to see, yet I feel it’s important that I share them. I want to show the dangers of cellphone use, the dangers of drinking & driving, and the dangers of speeding.
Can you tell Tyler’s car was a Volkswagen Jetta? this is the aftermath of him making a video selfie when he was less than a half a mile from his house.
These are pictures of a truly caring and wonderful loving man.
I knew something didn’t feel right when we said goodbye for the last time. I did not want to let go of him and his hands because somehow I knew it would be our last.
These are a few pictures of Tyler’s short life that we were a part of and now cherish those memories forever.
We stood behind him when he called to tell us he was going to be a young father. When they found out they were having twins he was nervous as all hell, but I told Tyler he could do this. I had trust in him as I always had with everything he did in life.
This is a picture of two little boys who will always love and miss their daddy and always wonder how life would have been if he was still here with them, and now will forever grieve for their daddy. Tyler loved his boys and worked so hard for them, he would never have wanted to leave them or hurt them in anyway. He was always about those boys.
Getting that phone call from the coroner’s changed my life forever. The man was telling me that Tyler was gone was a nightmare I never thought I would ever hear in my life time.
These are the pictures of the carnage that was left in the aftermath of his crash.
Lastly there is a picture of me standing by a sign Richard and I put up in honor of Tyler.
We thought of Tyler as one of our own. We loved him and have always been a big part of his whole life. We will always honor and cherish this man who we adored so much and have been so proud of all the hard work he has done in his short life.
I advocate and will always advocate in Tyler’s memory. I want his story shared about the dangers that affect each and everyone of us as we get into our cars everyday. When we leave parties to make better choices before going home. To put our cell phones down and out of sight before starting your car.
Tyler would be honored to know his story will and has changed the minds of some people driving today.
I am sorry this is long. I felt my heart just pour this out to you about this amazing man who I love and miss every single day of my life.
Tyler rest peaceful, my Angel in Heaven.
My son Justin Ryan Hildreth was killed on contact at the hands of a drunk driver who failed to stop at an intersection one mile from his home.
We are very saddened to hear that, Michelle. If you would like to create a tribute/memorial page for your son, please let me know via our ‘Contact’ page and I will help you to do so.