Even though states do vary somewhat in what they require from drivers when there is a static vehicle on the highway shoulder, a reasonable driver knows they should always:
Move Over, and If You Can’t Safely Move Over, Slow Down!
(and the order those words are in is very important indeed.) GALLERY BELOW.
A few days ago, I was being driven in Massachusetts on I-90. We were in the middle of three lanes and a red pick-up truck was in the right-hand lane.
Well ahead of us, in clear sight, was a vehicle on the shoulder, with it’s four-way hazard lights flashing, so we moved to the left-hand lane in plenty of time to let the red pick-up move over into the middle lane, but he didn’t.
Then he even passed a sign that stated ‘Right Lane Ends in 500 feet’, so now it’s obvious he needs to move over — static vehicle on shoulder or not — but no… still oblivious.
But hang on… there’s something else that Mr. Pick-up has failed to notice, even though it’s clearly visible. Apparently he’s not concerned that there’s a man standing between the static vehicle and the live traffic in the right-hand lane.
The pedestrian has been working on his trailer but now it’s easy to see that his eyes are rivetted on the fast-approaching red pick-up truck.
True to form, the driver — let’s be honest here and accurately refer to him as the idiot — in the pick up truck, goes flying on by at 65mph, utterly oblivious to the completely unnecessary danger he’s causing.
Unforgivable driving!
Read more about ‘Move Over or Slow Down Safely‘
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