Despite fewer vehicles being on the roads during the pandemic, more people are being killed in crashes.
Continue reading “Drivers Tragically Killing More People in Crashes During Covid”USA Pedestrian Deaths in 2019 are the Highest Since 1988 – GHSA Report
A new report from GHSA predicts that 6,590 pedestrian fatalities occurred in 2019, the highest number in more than 30 years. (Figures by state, below.)
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Over One Million People Killed on U.S. Roads in Just 26 Years!
Did you know that over a million people have been killed on America’s roads in just the last 26 years?
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Factors Which Contribute to Road Crashes — a list of 78
It is a well-known fact that a mere handful of crash-types are the major killers on roads. These include impaired driving, distracted driving, drowsy driving, speed, vulnerable road users, and so on. However, although these are indeed the biggest issues, this is not the full story and it is regrettable that people aren’t made more aware of the many other factors and causes.
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Road Safety Annual Report 2019 — see how the USA performed
It is a sad and frankly reprehensible fact that American people are led to believe that the USA performs to a high standard in road safety when the opposite is actually the truth.
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A Pilot’s Comparison of Safety in Planes Versus Cars
I’ve just had a great conversation, this evening, with a pilot who was at the next table to mine at dinner.
Our initial topic came from him and was about the safety comparison between air travel and driving, so I asked whether he was aware that for every person killed in commercial flights worldwide, each year, over 2,160 people are killed in road crashes. Yes, a ratio of more than 2,000-to-1, and even the number of people killed annually just on America’s roads is over 60-times greater than the total number of plane-crash fatalities worldwide.
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The Latest Crash and Casualty Figures for the USA
Because of the complexity of the subject, the finalized crash and casualty statistics for 2017 have just been released by NHTSA.
In that year, in the USA, there were an estimated 6,452,000 police-reported traffic crashes, in which 37,133 people were killed and approximately 2,746,000 people were injured.
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Which drivers are afraid of big, bad Friday the 13th?
Analysis of road crash figures in Germany from 2004 to 2016 has revealed that there are only marginally more incidents involving personal injury on days that fall on a ‘Friday the 13th’ than there are on other Fridays.
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The Big List — U.S. Road Crash Fatality Comparisons that will Stun You!
For many years, there has been a tendency to state that ‘x’ days of road fatalities are the same as a full Jumbo Jet airliner crashing, but no matter how effective the comparison is intended to be, this relies on both the teller and the listener knowing – for example – which size of Jumbo jet one is talking about; there are several different passenger-carrying capacities so even though it is a big plane the concept is a bit vague.
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Early Estimate of U.S. Motor Vehicle Traffic Fatalities for the First Quarter of 2019