Trooper Stanley C. Greene, 29, died on February 28, 1936, a few hours after his motorcycle struck the rear of a truck on the Albany-Schenectady Road.
Continue reading “MEMORIAL PAGE – NYSP Trooper Stanley C. Greene – 1936”
Promoting Best-Practices and Supporting Crash Victims
Trooper Stanley C. Greene, 29, died on February 28, 1936, a few hours after his motorcycle struck the rear of a truck on the Albany-Schenectady Road.
Continue reading “MEMORIAL PAGE – NYSP Trooper Stanley C. Greene – 1936”
December 17, 2019
On behalf of Road Safety USA, I’m delighted to announce that we have just received written permission from New York State Police [NYSP] that we may publish all of their known memorial records and photographs of troopers who have tragically been killed in the line of duty, either in a crash or by a motor vehicle.
Continue reading “Our RS-USA Road Victims’ Memorial Pages and the New York State Police”
But here is the potentially very worrying aspect:
“Social media posts indicated that witnesses and bystanders rushed en masse to help flip the police vehicle back over onto its wheels after the tremendous wreck as first responders began arriving on the scene.”
Continue reading “A Worrying and Potentially Harmful Attempt to Help a Crash Victim”
Eight European countries are now requiring drivers to create a “safety corridor” to allow emergency vehicles swift access to trapped and injured people at crash scenes on congested roads. This methodology could be a life-saver here in the USA, too.
Continue reading “Should the USA Adopt the ‘Safety Corridor’ Approach for Crash Scenes?”
March 3, 1994 — April 7, 2017
My daughter Brittany Milton died on April 7, 2017.
Dec. 28, 1980 – June 21, 2012
On June 21, 2012, at approximately 2am MST, Sabrina’s father was awakened by the ring of the doorbell. He opened the door to find the coroner and an officer standing there.
Continue reading “Memorial Page — Sabrina Marie Wilson (31)”
During the defensive- and advanced-driver instructing that I’ve done in over forty American states and six Canadian provinces, I have long-since lost count of how many crash victim’s roadside memorials I have happened to see — it is, of course, an excessive number because far too many people are killed and injured in road crashes every year.
Continue reading “Roadside Memorials Commemorating U.S. Road Crash Victims”