Three teenage girls killed in a Christmas Day crash in Alabama

6pm,  25 December, 2019 — Christmas day.  Geneva, Alabama.

Three high school cheerleaders were killed and another girl was hospitalized with critical injuries following a Christmas night wreck in Geneva, south Alabama.  A fifth girl in the vehicle escaped without serious injury.

Of concern to Road Safety USA were some apparently inappropriate comments by law enforcement officers.
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Four Teenage Girls Killed in a June 2019 NE Crash — but Alcohol is NOT the Only Issue

11:12pm, June 17, 2019.  180th and Platteview Road, Papillion, Nebraska.

The five occupants of the crashed Ford Fusion.  Only one survived.  [Submitted photo.]
According to a Sarpy County Sheriff’s Office press release of July 16, 2019, a Ford Fusion, being driven by Abigail Barth (16), was heading east along Platteview Road at an estimated speed in excess of 90mph when it left the roadway and “ultimately came to rest in a creek and caught on fire. Tragically, four of the five occupants of the vehicle were killed in the crash.”
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Cruelty to Animals is now a Federal Felony yet a Drunk Driver Killing Someone is Not

According to ABC News, animal cruelty is now a federal felony.We have no problem with this scenario whatsoever, except to ask that if animal cruelty warrants classification as a federal felony, why are people who drive drunk, drugged, distracted or plain dangerously, and kill someone as a result, not treated in the same ‘federal felony’ manner?

What is this if not an astonishing and frankly inexplicable imbalance of priorities?

Memorial Page – Tyler Smedley – WA, December 2, 2015

Tyler Smedley

November 16, 1993 — December 2, 2015


Joanne Higgins’ nephew and Godson, Tyler Smedley, made some horrible choices on Dec 2, 2015, that cost him his life in a crash on Steamboat Island Rd., Steamboat Island, Washington State.

Joanne writes:

The pictures here are hard for me to see, yet I feel it’s important that I share them.  I want to show the dangers of cellphone use, the dangers of drinking & driving, and the dangers of speeding.

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Memorial Page – Paul J. Miller, Jr. (21)

Paul J. Miller

August 3, 1988 — July 5, 2010


Road crash victim Paul J. Miller, Jr., killed on July 5, 2010.

At 3pm on Independence Day, 2010, Paul Miller hugged and kissed his mom Eileen farewell for what neither could possibly know would be the last time.

Paul was heading out to a party and ended up spending the night with friends, then headed for home the next morning, via PA State Route 33.

Paul’s thing in life was baseball and his passion was for the Yankees.

Eileen says that she always knew he was going to play for Lackawana College when he got there, but he knew by then that he was never going to play for the Yankees because he said “I’ve really got to buckle down and I’m just going to stick to my academics right now…”  Eileen knew when he said this that he had become a man.

Continue reading “Memorial Page – Paul J. Miller, Jr. (21)”